Friday December 22

1:55 pm

FBI Headquarters


Nikki was busy writing up her final report on another case when Simon’s notification went off.  Nikki embraced the butterflies and read:


“Dear Butterfly”


The BAU will honor our agreement or I can make it 10 times harder for them. To ensure that you are in proper control of your unsub, me, you want to speak with a man named Jeffrey Danvers of Newport News, VA. You might find some interesting things if you have your FBI lab process the car. I told you I would make sure they knew you had “control” of this situation. But on to the real reason I wrote, what would I have you do when we meet?


I have thought a lot about that. I’m trying to change, I am giving the rage things to do to focus all of that energy. I just don’t know if there will be a time I don’t see someone do something stupid on the road that I will be able to just let it go, but I would like to. I used to be able to because the rage wasn’t out looking for trouble, we were too busy taking care of my wife and just being in love to let all these things bother us as much as they do now. Maybe that’s what happens to love when it has nowhere to go, maybe it turns to something else, to rage in my case. I don’t know Nikki, but I am trying. I will tell you one fantasy I have had of you. When we meet, I am going to approach slowly to allow you the time to arrest me if that is what you intend to do. I won’t fight it, but I will keep coming closer, closer until I am right in front of you. I will take my hand and smooth that lock of hair that keeps escaping gently over your ear. I will step even closer and that hand will gently cup your cheek while the other comes around your waist, pulling you even closer to me until we are one body. I will gently lower my lips to yours and I will kiss you like a man kissing his woman for the very first and very last time, savoring every moment. I am then going to look into your eyes and see what the rest of my life looks like.


Take care of yourself Butterfly


Love Simon”


“To steal a line from Simon, Fuck me in the ear hole, what the hell am I supposed to do with that?” Nikki muttered, heat flooding her cheeks. She grabbed her duffle with her exercise gear and  headed to the gym on the main level to work off some energy and most definitely grab a cold shower.

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