Friday December 29

3:25 pm

FBI Headquarters


Nikki had heard about the girl earlier in the day before she saw Simon’s post. She was found exactly where he said she would be at a hospital in Harrisonburg VA and other than the residual of a tranquilizer that they figure she ingested with some tainted water, the girl was physically fine. She had no recollection of anything after walking her dog at the rest stop and she was back with her family now. She was taken at a rest stop outside of Richmond VA which didn’t have security cameras so there was no way to identify the suspects truck. Nikki figured that it didn’t matter because she was sure Simon would tell them where to find it eventually, once he was done. Nikki shuddered and couldn’t figure out if it was because of what the predator almost did to that young girl, and has most assuredly done to others, or because of what Simon was about to do to him. As much as she tried to let that thought disgust her, it wouldn’t. Someone who preyed on young girls was not considered human as far as Nikki was concerned.


Nikki sat at her desk and queued up a new email to Simon:


“Dear Simon,


I wanted to let you know that the young girl is fine and is back with her family. They found some residual tranquilizer in her system but other than that she is fine. You saved her life Simon, if you hadn’t come along and found that monster, he would still be doing these horrible things. I am sure he will understand the error of his ways soon enough.


You were right, I would have wanted you to stop this monster. Thank you Simon, be safe.



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