Saturday December 16

3:15 pm


So the rage really hates texting. I am not what you would call a social butterfly so I don’t text, although I might consider texting Kevin but he cracks me up when we speak so probably not. I was out at a local restaurant the other evening having some dinner. I looked around the packed restaurant and over 80% of the patrons in the restaurant were staring down at a cell phone. Entire families having dinner together in a nice restaurant and never once muttering a word to each other, no wonder there are so many asshole drivers, people don’t know how to socialize any longer. It is easier to communicate generically through text messaging and social media posts that people lose the finer skills like being able to be a decent human being, to care about someone else. Ideas that are totally lost on our current world. Do you think this is going to get better or worse when we keep packing people onto the planet?


Well, that’s what we are here for, to correct all that ails society, violently if necessary. Thankfully for the rage, it is usually necessary. As you know, I play a bit with technology so I have outfitted my chase vehicle with state of the art cameras on 360 degree gimbels and fully automated for safety of course. I can surveil without the one armed Canon shots any longer and we really need more invasive surveillance for Hotel. Yes, Hotel is going to be chosen differently than we have selected our candidates in the past. Welcome to the Rage texting lotto where you most certainly don’t want to be a winner. The lotto has begun and I will share more as it progresses. A word of advice, don’t text and drive.


Q&A:  “Where do you come up with the crazy nicknames and curses you use?” This one I like the best.  There are master craftsmen in the world, men and women that are so skilled and proficient at their chosen craft that they are considered Masters. My dad was a Master Curseman. This man could generate the most original, usually overly obscene curses that the world has ever known. He could sneeze a new curse. Don’t ask, it isn’t pretty. Anyway, with that kind of mentoring, I became quite proficient myself so if any of you boils on the taint of humanity run afoul of us, you will at least be adding a colorful new curse to the world while you go screaming out of it.


Since our Hotel project is going to take some time to set up, I gave the rage a new pursuit.  Archery.

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