Saturday March 3b

Nikki’s Townhouse

7:30 pm


Nikki spent the last 2 days trying to figure out what she was going to do with the rest of her life. Would she be able to go back to her job with the FBI after all that has happened? What about a future with Simon, is that even a possibility? She has more feelings for Simon than she has had for anyone in her life, but she is still new to these feelings and doesn’t know quite how to deal with them. That isn’t even taking into account that he is an admitted murderer. Even as she ponders this, she knows he is on his way to do what Simon does. Having been stalked herself and feeling the utter hopelessness and living in a constant state of fear, she wasn’t uncomfortable knowing that Simon was going to “take care of the situation” so to speak. Anyone who would do that to someone deserves what they get, preying on the fear of others. Little did this stalker know just how much he would be getting in return from Simon.


Nikki was staring into her webcam wishing it was Simon’s mysterious eyes she was staring into when Simon’s email notification went off:


“Hello sweet Butterfly, you look troubled. I am sorry I had to leave so suddenly, but I only have one other person in my life I care about and he needs me right now. I know you are trying to figure out what direction your life is going to go and I wish I was there for you, but maybe it’s better for you to decide without me there clouding your decision. I want you to do what makes you happy for once, not what you think you should do for others, especially me. Do what your heart tells you is right Nikki and I will support you in any way I can. I am going to be here for a few days to get this situation straightened out so please let me know how I can help. Regardless of what you decide, I love you.




Nikki smiled up at the webcam and touched her fingers to her lips and pointed at the camera. Leave it to Simon to make the decision that much harder for her.

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