Sunday April 22

11:15 am

So much has happened since we spoke last so I need to catch you up. You will be happy to know that I finally convinced Whiskey that he may want to intervene before the Rage tore his sister limb from limb, one of his favorite pastimes as you well know. Dickcheese finally relented and I told him I would contact him when I was ready to meet and give him an address. He had 60 minutes to arrive, alone with the rest of the stolen cargo. Now I was born at night, just not last night and knowing this particular stool sample, I know he is going to try some funny business. I say funny because the Rage was giggling anticipating what these idiots would come up with. Well, they didn’t disappoint.

I texted the last photo I had of Two, it was particularly heinous, and gave him the address of the meet site. I want him a little off balance for our meeting. Desperation equals mistakes. 50 minutes later, a black SUV comes storming into the parking lot of the abandoned warehouse I chose for our tea party. Do you know he didn’t signal his turn. Might have ended differently…but probably not. It was just one more straw on the camel’s back so to speak. Anyway, the SUV pulled in and immediately, the 2 back doors fly open, two shots hit the deck with hand held rocket launchers. Not unexpected I might ad. Less than 2 seconds later, both were laid out flat on the pavement courtesy of a high powered round that travelled through their hollow melons most people store brains in. Now I told you already I don’t use guns, but I have friends that do. He didn’t come alone as I knew he wouldn’t so I brought some buddies myself.

I don’t think Whiskey liked that because immediately, the SUV shot forward and went crashing through the front of the warehouse. Another move I anticipated. I had strapped Two into a chair about 15 feet inside the front door of the warehouse. As expected, the SUV came through the door, saw Two at the last second and swerved to the right to avoid hitting her. I had staked pallets up to the left side to make sure they went that way….right into the makeshift punji sticks I had set up. Punji sticks are a nasty little invention our troops in Viet Nam came across where sharpened sticks were set on a hinge like trap and when you hit the trip wire, or fell into the dead fall, you are skewered by sharpened sticks. I didn’t have any sticks but I found some nice rebar that worked just fine. Half of the sticks went into the engine block disabling the SUV, the other half went into the front seat occupants. I’m feeling a little woozy after so many shots all at once. Sorry, I just can’t resist.

After a couple of seconds, Whiskey came stumbling out of the back of the SUV, apparently he was laying in the back the whole time, hiding. Pussy! I was standing to the side of the front door they came smashing through and I watched all this happen right in front of me. I had an extra piece of rebar so I walked up to Whiskey and smashed it into his knee. Humans don’t move so well when you take out a knee. Now, I don’t speak Spanish, but I don’t think he was inviting me over for Christmas dinner. I was leaning over Whiskey trying to decide which tune to crank up for the Rage when around the back of the SUV comes a boy, maybe 17, 18 years old. His hands were down at his side, what looked like a 9MM handgun in his right hand. I slowly stood up to face him as he cocked his head to the side a little and said,

“You’re Simon aren’t you?” Shocked, I’m standing there with my mouth open trying to figure out how this kid knows who I am. He studied me for awhile longer and said,

“I heard Lopez say he thought you were the one messing with him. I found your blog and read what you wrote.” His eyes squinted and the hand holding the gun rose and was pointing right at my head. I saw the muzzle flash and the gun kick at the same time my ears stopped working. I waited for the impact, blood, pain and none of that happened. I slowly turned around and there was Two laying right behind me, a bullet hole bored through her forehead and a shard of metal clutched in her hand that had torn duct tape hanging from it. I turned around toward the boy who walked right up to her body and spit in her face,

“Fucking Puta! She took me off the street promising to take care of me and I have been in a living hell since. They forced me to…to fight the other kids until….” a tear streaked down his cheek. “I killed another boy, it was going to be him or me…I…” The gun had fallen back to his side. He turned his attention to Whiskey and as the gun started coming up toward him I laid my hand on his arm and shook my head no.

“There is a fate worse than death awaiting this piece of shit, death is too good for him.” The boy slowly nodded, staring right into my eyes as he lowered the gun. He looked like a wounded animal, so vulnerable. I could see the pain his young life had been full of and it pissed me right the fuck off. I might have kicked Whiskey in the head at that point but who’s keeping score.

The boy looked back into my eyes,

“What’s going to happen to me now?”

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