Sunday November 5

3:30 pm


I just met Bravo. I told you I don’t go out looking for candidates, they volunteer. I was on the highway, remember rule #1? Sure enough, I am in the left lane approaching a late model 4 door sedan who is traveling at least 5 mph under the posted speed limit. I give the universal signal that he might want to move out of the lane by closing the gap between our two cars until I am right behind him. Bravo has 2 obvious choices, move the fuck over, as was requested in rule # 1, or become Bravo. Dumbass brake checked me and if that wasn’t signing his own death warrant, flew the bird at me. Wrong move! I can’t help the huge smile appearing on my face as the rage squeezes my adrenaline gland and that wonderful feeling of power comes surging through me, my hands shaking slightly. I back up slightly so I can pull the Canon out and get a shot of the license plate. Bravo finally pulled off an exit and came to a stop light at the bottom in the right lane. I pulled up next to him in the left lane and dropped the passenger window. As I expected, Bravo rolled his window down and starts barking out curses and threats at me. I simply raise the Canon and get some great shots for this guys obituary. I have a really nice one of the previously mentioned bird. He smokes his tires pulling out when the light turns green and continues down the road. I followed him for about 15 minutes until he pulled into the parking garage at an apartment complex. I smile to myself and continue to my base of ops to start a book on Bravo. I also want to see if Alpha has responded to the email.


Alpha wrote back:  “I haven’t done anything to you, leave me alone. I called the police and they are going to find you and put you in jail. Stay away from my daughter or you will regret it.” I smiled, if she wasn’t such an ass on the road, I might actually like her. Consequences. I told you I would not take the only parent away from baby Alpha, but I will teach Alpha about consequences. Tonight we make direct contact.


I ran Bravo’s license plate through the DMV data base and now have a name, address, email,and physical description. What, their firewall is shit. I am not sure how yet, but I know that at some point, that middle finger he was so proud of will end up in his ass. I have this incredible surge of energy flowing through me and feel like for the first time in a really long time that I have something to live for. I know that sounds morbid, but I feel like I actually have a purpose now and I can guarantee, no one will miss this dickhole.

I have a night op to get ready for.

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