Thursday April 5

3:25 pm

The Rage developed his own version of waterboarding. I told you he was very creative when he wants to be and Tango has him dancing…. It was just too easy. All you need is a bathtub, some weights, and a dropper. Dropper, like the thing you squeeze the bulb at the end to suck up medicine and drop it in your eye, drop by drop.

Anyway….. We placed Tango in the tub and strapped the weights to him. We then filled the tub to right under his nose. We figured it he ended up snurfing water up his nose it would burn his sinuses. Then, to “Animal I have Become” we started adding water. Drop by drop. It beats watching TV. Panic filled eyes frantically trying to stretch enough to get a breath of air, captivating stuff. I think Tango would have preferred reruns though. After we resuscitated him the 2nd time, the Rage got bored and put him back in his barb wire Snuggy. We’ll have plenty of time to play later. In the meantime, I met Uniform today.

Indecision kills, or more accurately, if you are indecisive in front of the Rage, it’s likely he will kill….you. If anyone on the face of the earth ever deserved a face punch, it is the dickhead who came up with the 4 way stop. They decided they would leave it up to the traveling public who should proceed into an intersection next…. Really? These people can’t even function in a red light, green light environment and now they are expected to actually exercise decision making skills. It boggles the mind and if I can figure out how to literally boggle Uniform’s mind, we’re gonna do it!

Just because the sign says “Fines doubled in work zone” doesn’t mean you have to go under the speed limit. Just don’t go over, I can live with that. What you can’t live with, Uniform, is when you hold us up unnecessarily at the 4 way stop and then again at the construction zone. All 7 miles of it. I came up with 193 ways to show the Rage’s displeasure during that 7 mile stretch. That may prove to be uncomfortable for Uniform. Ragesearch is ongoing, stay tuned.

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