Thursday November 23

3:15 pm

FBI Headquarters


Nikki eliminated the San Diego Gordon Peterson after the local agents found out Gordon had been in an accident 6 weeks ago and his right leg is still in a full length splint so he has been unable to drive. The condition of the car confirmed it has been in the same place for several weeks at least.


The Atlanta case has gone cold. The local agents have interviewed everyone in Gordon’s life and no one knew of any problems with anyone and Gordon hadn’t mentioned any altercations to anyone. They processed the Jeep at the Atlanta field office and found no trace. Similarly, Gordon’s home yielded nothing indicating anyone other than Gordon had been there. The cyber techs went through work and home computers and found nothing on either.


On the Charlie case she found 3 people had actually fallen to their deaths on the 31st. 2 were eliminated immediately and that left Jonathan Bishop, 39, Jacksonville, FL. Bishop has 2 sons matching the age in the blog. Bishop was found in the stairwell on the 9th floor of the bank he works at with several contusions indicating a fall and a broken neck which was the cause of death. Autopsy found nothing to indicate anything other than a fall and the death was ruled accidental. The local FBI lab re-autopsied the body, clothes and personal effects and found no usable trace and no prints. At this time, the FBI is considering the case an accidental death.


Nikki sat back in her chair spinning the pen absentmindedly in her hand staring at the ceiling. At this point with these 2 cases lining up almost exactly as Simon outlined in the blog, Nikki knew that he was either there as a witness or he killed Bishop and presumably Peterson until a body shows up to refute that claim. No, Nikki was sure that there was a Simon out there and he was very capable, at least from what she saw thus far. If his claim about his cyber abilities is true, it is going to be very difficult to draw him out as he has shown he already has some level of access into the FBI systems. No, she was going to have to use some low tech, she was going to have to attempt contact, she just has to figure out how.

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