Wednesday March 21

11:30 am


Q&A: What is your dream car? Unless they can create a car that magically makes idiots in front of me disappear, it’s a moot point. If the Rage comes out when I am in my normal car, can you imagine the frustration level to be sitting at the controls of a high powered machine and Hazel is going 10 under the speed limit in front of us. I would have to reconsider letting the Rage pack heat!


Thankfully, everyone along my route the other day was on their game and no one volunteered to come visit the Chateau. Unfortunately for Sierra, who must have thought the moratorium on Dickfree driving had expired, the Chateau now has one reservation. I had forgotten how much it really pisses us off when some dill hole holds up a lane to make an illegal U-turn. Sierra reminded us.


By now I am sure you figured out that the Rage has a bit of a sweet tooth. He does a lot of physical activity so he needs the calories. Plus, it keeps him occupied…. We were on our way to the Krispy Kreme, pretty sure the Hot Donut sign was still on. Then, Sierra decided to cool our donuts by attempting to make a U-turn in front of us where it is clearly marked no U-turn. Sierra wasn’t going to be deterred by mere traffic laws, nope. Our light turns to yellow and when the way clears, Sierra pulled the U-turn just as our light turns red. While we were waiting for the next green turn arrow, we noticed a turn lane a block ahead that Sierra could have made a LEGAL U-turn. Funny how such a small thing might mean the difference between life and being brutally tortured to death. Remember the pecan pie incident. By the time we got to the Kreme, the last box of hot donuts was just sold. Oh the humanity…..  I was able to talk the Rage off the ledge with 3 chocolate covered, cream filled beauties, but he can mow down 8 hot glazed in a single sitting so he was not placated. We were able to make it back to the car without terminating anyones miserable existence, but he gave everyone in his path the stink eye and a mother actually pulled her children out of the way. You might ask if making an illegal U-turn deserves the Rage’’s attention. Do you want to argue the point with him????


I have Sierra’s information, time to do some Ragesearch.

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