Wednesday November 22

1:45 pm


I should have known by the way Delta drove that he was not your normal everyday dick muncher, this guy would have to improve significantly to become a piece of shit and I am honestly thinking about requesting payment for ridding the world of this scumbag. Let’s see what I found thus far;  hasn’t paid taxes in 3 years, child support in 2 years for his 2 children yet he has sufficient income and assets to do both. Here’s the kicker, Delta is a registered sex offender. He was charged with statutory rape when he was 27 for having sex with a 12 year old. This just changed the price of poker so to speak. The rage likes! We are going to be taking some time with Delta. I have been to Delta’s house, a neat 2 story in a decent section of town. Unfortunately, no security system which is ok because I need to keep my skills sharp so we will be getting a lot more involved in the surveillance on this particular project. I am going to plant a tracker I have developed on his computer to see what he is really all about as well as normal eyes and ears. I just need to find an “in” into his house, shouldn’t be too difficult. In the meantime, old fashioned surveillance.

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