Sunday November 26

9:15 pm


Delta is now occupying the guest suite. He couldn’t even wait one day before he went out to a strip club. I pulled the transport up next to his car and waited. When Delta finally came out into the unlit parking lot, I approached him and said “hey man, I saw some guy come out and key your car.” I knew this would get him moving in the right direction as I pointed to the rear quarter panel of his car closest to the transport while he is slinging curses. He bent down to take a closer look and I hit him with the stun gun. Once I got him tucked into the guest suite I picked up his car and returned to his house later that night. I found the title to his car and I found the deed to his house. Delta had a moment of conscious and signed the house and car over to his ex-wife as well as paying the outstanding child support and naming her the sole beneficiary of his will and the life insurance policy he had from his employer. He then penned a suicide note explaining that he can’t continue living with the sickness inside him and begging his children’s forgiveness. Noble. Now I get to go let Delta know of his benevolence which I am sure will make him very happy. This will be almost as much fun as showing him how much I appreciated him flying me the bird the other day. Unfortunately, I will have to leave it attached….mostly…because if there is going to be a suicide, there is going to be a body. Fortunately, I figured out a nice creative way for Delta to end it all that will still allow some play time. I purchased a new Louisville Slugger for the occasion. I hope Delta is a baseball fan.


I have to say, that look in their eyes when they know they are in a shit storm that they are not going to come out of is intoxicating. I think it is because I have seen the kind of assholes they can be when they are out in the world and now the look reflecting back is one of horror and disbelief that they can be in this position. “If you wouldn’t have been such a dick on the highway the other day, you might still be alive tomorrow to enjoy your kiddie porn and contribute to destroying even more lives. Instead, you just sent an email to the FBI with all of your various contact’s information and all of your porn. At least you took care of your ex-wife by giving her your house, car, and everything else as you named her your sole beneficiary in your will.” I really thought his eyes were going to bug out of his head. He just stared wide eyed when I told him I outed him to the FBI, but when I told him I gave everything to his ex he exploded is the only way I can explain it. It was a good four minute laugh fest, for me. Then I remembered him brake checking me and flipping me the bird so I took my hammer and smashed that bird. That got a completely different reaction from him. I thought of all of those poor children living hell on earth and I took my new baseball bat to Delta and it isn’t new anymore. I made sure to get a full work out and I have to say that I think my swing is really improving. Delta lasted a good two hours before he had enough. I loaded up what was left of him and drove to a gravel pit that I had found the other day and dropped his body off from the top of the 200 foot drop onto the rocks below. I left Delta’s car and the suicide note at the top of the gravel pit for someone to find, although I don’t think this pit is used anymore so who knows how long poor Delta will be here. The animals have to eat too. I left the gravel pit in the transport and headed back to the ops center to send the FBI’s violent crimes against children section a nice little package of dirt bags. I wish I had the time to offer my assistance to handle them, I get results. But, I have other obligations that require my special attention. Happy hunting!

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