Tuesday January 1, 2019 b

6:55 pm

The Farm

Dante was gathering up his tools for the upcoming night Op and making sure the transport vehicle was ready for Adam. His team wouldn’t be accompanying Adam because they weren’t the one’s driving when they attracted the Rage’s attention. They have a different fate awaiting them.  Dante had just walked into the Ops center to let Simon know everything was ready when a phone rang. Both men instantly froze, there is only 1 person who has a direct line of communication with Simon and they were both afraid what he would tell them. Simon tentatively answered the phone, listened for several seconds and hung up the phone.

“Change of plans Dante, Nikki is awake.” Simon turned toward him and gave him a smile. Dante felt like a 1000 pound weight was just lifted off his shoulders, and his heart. Both men quickly changed out of their night gear and were in the chase vehicle a few minutes later heading towards the hospital. With any luck, and no new volunteers, they would be at the hospital by morning. The night Op can wait…

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