Thursday April 26

4:45 pm


Q&A: “Aren’t you worried about going to jail if you get caught doing what you do?” I can only refer to the insightful words of Flo Rida when they said “Club Can’t Handle Me”, only in my case it would say “prison can’t handle me”. Weak reference I know, but I really like that song. I won’t go to jail, I have taken “measures” to insure I won’t ever see the inside so don’t you worry about Simon. Besides, they wouldn’t want the Rage in prison, he doesn’t play well with others.


Do you know who else doesn’t play well with others? X-ray. As usual, I wasn’t looking for a volunteer, that’s why we call them volunteers, they just come right up and ask to meet the Rage. Well, not quite, but that’s what happens in the end. X-ray didn’t offend us though, they did it to the car in front of us. I say they because there were 4 of them in the car. Normally I wouldn’t hold the passenger(s) responsible for the asshole actions of their driver, but after following this 4-pack of used toe jam around, I found out that they were up to something far worse than driving while being a dick. They were a group of thieves and not your garden variety snatch and grabbers.


We were following at a respectable distance behind the unfortunate soul who would meet the X-rays close up and personal. We were in the left lane, enjoying a 5 mph over pace that made the Rage all warm and fuzzy and wanting to take a nap. Right when I was getting ready to play a nice lullaby for the Rage, I had Nickelback’s “Feelin Way Too Damn Good” queued up, and X-ray was about to show me the irony in that choice. Out of the corner of my eye on the right hand side I see a flash of black that turned out to be X-ray changing lanes from the right lane, 3 over from the left lane we were traveling in. They pulled across all that traffic and right in front of the car in front of us. He didn’t do it gently and he didn’t do it completely. He pulls over into the left turn lane and slowed down in front of the car while not pulling all the way into the turn lane. Brake lights flashed, tires squealing we were able to stop before stuffing into the rear of the car in front of us. The Rage was fully awake now and he is just no fun when he doesn’t get his nap. We recovered and went ahead and pulled into the turn lane behind X-ray, thinking how much we want to have them over for pie and cookies….


Believe it or not, the driving got worse. They cut off 3 different cars, changed lanes repeatedly without signalling, and were tailgating every car in front of them whether that car had someone ahead of them or not. I looked over at D and his knuckles were turning white watching the fuckery going on ahead of us. And that’s when the plot thickened.


It was about 9 pm by the time X-ray stopped. We were in a business district with several large buildings. X-ray pulled up behind a deserted warehouse and parked his car out of sight of any anyone passing by. D and I pulled up and stowed the chase vehicle and we slipped out and followed behind. The driver stayed with their car and the other 3, all dressed in black, headed toward a large building that had the name of a large national bank on it. Bank robbers perhaps? Don’t get ahead of me….


There was a security camera covering the entrance they were trying to access and we saw one of them reach into the case he was carrying and pull some sort of gun out and aimed it at the camera. Some type of jamming device. After about 5 seconds, the 3 approached the door and one of them pulled a small laptop out and accessed the security panel on the back door. A few seconds later, the door opened and the 3 disappeared inside. No alarms sounded, only silence. They were in there for 14 minutes and then all 3 came back out and walked directly to their car and got back in and left. They were not carrying anything when the came out of the building other than what they went in with. Interesting…


We hightailed it back to the chase car and jumped in and began following X-ray to see where they went. Now that I have an apprentice, I have someone to share the driving with so I can pursue other interests like finding out what was in that building the X-rays were after. I booted up my laptop, they can run but they can never hide, not from the Rage!

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