Wednesday January 23, 2019

2:55 pm

I need to continue the previous segment on drugs from the other day. I mentioned prescription drugs and their devastating impact on our society, but what about other legal drugs. What’s left you may ask? Love. That’s right, love. Love is a drug and a very powerful one at that. Having recently experienced the effects of this powerful drug, I have a unique perspective. Why would I classify love as a drug? Because it can exert an incredible pressure on the decision making process and cause people to do things they wouldn’t normally do had they not been under its influence. Sure sounds like the effects of illegal drugs to me. While I have age and experience to help me curb the effects, when you are a late teen feeling it for the first time, the effects can be debilitating. My young protege is under the influence of this drug right now and is making decisions that will have long term effects in both of their lives. Positive or negative remains to be seen. My dilemma as his friend, mentor, and someone who loves him is do I let him make his own decisions or do I intervene?  

I’ve not been a parent before and with D, I went straight to the teen years. Now that I have a baby, I am even more confused as to how I should handle this. I have trained D and have all the respect in the world for both his skills and his intuition, but he is willing to put his and his significant other in peril. He is doing it for the greatest of good, but should I let him do it? I don’t even know that it is my decision to make and I have to empathize with every parent out there who has to deal with this same thing.

The reason I bring this up is because it relates to our work with Frank, our newest consulting gig. This is a tough one because Frank, like a lot of people out there, has grown disillusioned with our government and our society to some extent. I am not one to throw stones, you all know my feelings for that particular corporation, but Frank is taking his frustration to a new level. A level that can and will affect some of you. Our job is to protect the greater good, so we will have to deal with Frank in our own unique style.

Frank is raising an army to take on whoever stands in the way of his vision. The problem is that no one elected Frank to make these decisions for them. We are Americans and like it or not, the majority rules, even if they are out of their damn minds. That is the beauty of democracy, if you don’t like what’s going on, get enough people on your side and effect change. The right way. What Frank is trying to do falls into the bully category and that is just not a good park to go camping in. He is using his charm and and charisma to attract followers to his cause, but most of those followers don’t follow his philosophical teachings, they are attracted to the violence of the movement. They are disillusioned by their own lifes and want payback against anyone and everyone they feel caused their lot in life. Add weapons to the mix and it is a volatile cocktail.

Speaking of cocktails, final preparations for Unhappy hour are underway.

Oh, by the way, Edward responded to our email and his response lacked eloquence. It was only 2 words and the last one was “you.” The first word was NOT, “love”….   

It’s too bad the holidays have passed because we might have stuffed that bird and had it for our meal. Sure, its small, but the Rage just wants the pecan pie anyway.

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