Tuesday May 1

Convention Center, New York City

11:15 am

Nikki had been unable to secure a search warrant for the Rojas compound with the lack of evidence so they had continued their surveillance on the house. Last night at 11:30 pm, 3 identical vehicles pulled out of the estate and began their shell game again. The team tried to tail all of the vehicles, but in the end, they lost track of all of them as they pulled into several private residences and repeated the process with other similar vehicles.

Nikki had contacted Vittorio Sanchez earlier this morning and told him she had actionable intelligence of an immediate threat against his life but he refused to cancel his appearance at the Conference that begins at 1:00 pm. The local FBI office was brought in and had several agents in and around the convention center, all having been briefed about Silvio Rojas and his family. Nikki and her team were watching Sanchez and would be escorting him from his hotel to the convention center. Static sounded over Nikki’s earpiece and when she looked down at the radio she saw the channel changing and then settle on 69, she just rolled her eyes and heard,

“Hello Butterfly” the deep voice automatically calming and energizing her at the same time. She took a breath to respond when the next words she heard stopped her heart cold, “Sanchez isn’t the target Nikki, he has 2 daughters that are enrolled at a private school on the other side of the city under their grandmother’s maiden name. No one was supposed to even know they even exist but Rojas found out somehow and he is planning on killing them and making Sanchez live with knowing he was responsible for their deaths.” Nikki’s throat went dry and she swallowed past the lump in her throat. She took a shaky breath,

“Simon, what can we do, he could already be there?” panic lacing her voice.

“We’re already here Butterfly. Move your team here as quickly as you can while we see what’s going on.”  Nikki thought for a moment and responded,

“We… you have Dante with you?”

“We’ll be fine, you keep yourself safe and let us know when you get here.” static and then she was back on the tactical channel rerouting her team, trying to sound in control while imagining a smoking pile of rubble with little bodies scattered throughout….

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