Tuesday March 6

5:55 pm


Where do I even begin, I have so much going on all at the same time. Let’s just start with Papa since he is what brought us here to begin with. We waited until Papa went out for the night. I installed a tracker on his car so if he goes anywhere near my peeps I can let them know and they can stay out of sight. While he was gone, we did some redecorating for him. We are quite considerate. I installed several micro cameras and the quality is even better than I had hoped. I found out that the particular snakes that I liberated for this project respond to a certain pheromone. I applied it liberally between the sheets of Papa’s bed and also sprayed some at each exit door. After Papa got home and went to bed, we snuck in about an hour later and put half the little squigglers upstairs and half downstairs to make sure Papa couldn’t easily get out of the house. For good measure, I left 2 more in his car in case he actually makes it out of the house and tries to flee by vehicle.


Mind you, I gave him fair warning to avoid all of this, he only had to stop being a dick. If our project has taught us anything though, it is that the dick gene is dominant so there is no stopping it. We continue to try but thus far our efforts have failed miserably. Does anyone really mind that I remove these human viruses from the planet? Really? I thought not.


The Rage and I had a bowl of popcorn and a chilly beer as we watched the feeds from our new cameras. I have never used cameras that have sound, but I thought it might be appropriate to use it in this application. Thankfully I trusted my instincts because the high pitched girly scream coming out of Papa was AWESOME! I can try to describe what it was like watching him but I had tears coming out my eyes so hard I couldn’t see half of the footage, I had to rewind it 3 times. Papa awoke with about 3 snakes crawling around him in his bed. I am pretty sure he wishes he would have wore a pair of boxers to bed or something…. Anyway, he finally got out of the bed and there were probably a half dozen more snakes on the floor of his bedroom and the hallway leading to the stairs. He is jumping up and down on his toes trying to get around and over them and down the stairs. He fell halfway down and rolled the rest of the way to the bottom. He was knocked out for a couple of seconds but the snake that crawled up and bit him on the cheek seemed to wake him from his stupor. Once he finished screaming again and removing the snake from his face, he made his way to the front door only to see there were several snakes curled up at the door, getting it on is a nice way to put it. Those pheremones are powerful!


I should make you wait for the rest of the story because it gets better, but that would be torture and you didn’t do anything wrong….did you? Anyway, Papa saw his car keys on the counter and in a deft move, he jumped over 2 snakes, grabbed his keys and ran to the backdoor. There was an even bigger snake orgy going on back there and Papa looked like he was ready to go down for the count but he regrouped, threw his living room window open and dove outside. I figured he might go this route so I had placed crushed glass under each of his windows. I like to party! Papa finally got to his feet, glass stuck all over him because it wasn’t a gentle dive out the window. He finally managed to limp to his car, jump in and start backing out of his driveway. He got about half way down his driveway when the driver’s door flies open and Papa rolls out of the moving car, still buck naked mind you. The car continued backward until it drove off the side of the driveway and ended up hitting a tree at the end of the driveway. I had installed a camera on the exterior so I could get these shots and the last image I saw was Papa’s white ass running down the street away from the house.


I quickly went into the house and removed my randy snake buddies and grabbed their mobile friends out of Papa’s car on the way out. I will check the video later when Papa will undoubtedly bring the police back by his house to see…..nothing. I hit reply to his email:


“I’m just getting started.



Monday March 5

FBI Headquarters

7:35 am


Nikki had just sat down at her desk when there was a knock on the door and Rob McShay walked in trying not to let the smile overtake his face and failing miserably. Nikki smiled up at him as he took a seat in one of the chairs facing her desk.


“Welcome back Nikki, it’s good to see you. I’m glad you decided to continue your work here, we really missed you while you were out”


“Thanks Rob, I don’t know if I’m making the right decision or not, but I think I can continue to help. If I am going to continue working these cases though, I would ask that my name is never made public. After PS, I don’t need anyone knowing who I am or where to find me” she said as her gaze dropped to her missing digit, a shudder running up her spine at the memory. Rob nodded and continued,


“I understand and that is not a problem. We are going to be working some high priority cases and have additional resources at our disposal. I am running the task force and you will answer directly to me.” Rob continued to explain their new direction and the type of cases they will be investigating, including their first case which involved several carjacking abductions. All young women and while the vehicles were later recovered, none of the missing women have been found. The working theory is that these women have been abducted to be trafficked. The 6 victims they know about so far all lived relatively close to the eastern seaboard so the suspicion is that once abducted, they are placed on a ship of some sort and taken out of the country very quickly.


Rob continued to fill Nikki in on the case and the evidence they have so far and he left her office to let her get back to work. Before Nikki could throw herself into the case, she wanted to let Simon know that she was staying with the FBI for now. She hit reply to Simon’s email:


“Dear Simon,


Well, right or wrong I decided to stay at the BAU. I went in to resign and they asked me to stay and continue to work special cases… with your help. Yes, you read that correctly. Apparently, the Director of the FBI is a fan, at least of the results you have gotten so far and they want you to continue to help if you are willing? They are perfectly willing to stand behind Bernard as the “Simon” killer due to the irrefutable evidence against him and are not worried about any backlash from your blog. By now I should be used to all of the crazy things that have been happening in my life since I met you, but it all continues to surprise me. What do you think, does that interest you or do you have other plans?


I miss you, waking up next to you and the feeling I have when I am in your arms. I can’t say that the thought of working with you isn’t appealing but I don’t want you to feel any obligation. Please tell Kevin and his lady congratulations from me on their engagement. Be safe and I can’t wait to see you again.




Nikki might have under-sold the appeal to working with Simon on the “almost up and up.” She thought about those young women being taken and sold into a life of horror and she was resolved to help stop those who are responsible. Nikki was beginning to embrace the understanding that maybe the end actually does justify the means. Criminals don’t play by any rules, the FBI might as well start playing by their own rules to stop them. Nikki hit the send button and with or without Simon’s help, she was going to do everything she could to stop these monsters from ruining any more precious lives.

Sunday March 4

12:15 pm


I met Quebec today. I wasn’t looking for a volunteer, he just offered his ass to the project. I am already cranky because I miss my lady and Kevin and Special K are distraught over this stalking situation so today would have been a good

day to not fuck up. Then along came Quebec. Before I get into the details of this most unfortunate meeting between Quebec and I, Papa responded to our email:




I see “Special K” has herself a little bitch of her own. I see you are too much of a wuss to come at me face to face. I am here anytime you think you are man enough faggot. When I find you I will take out the cost of my tires out of your ass. Now, Fuck off!


Walking Corpse


Man to man he will get, but not quite yet. I learned that Papa has more than a slight aversion to snakes. I just so happen to know where I can lay my hands on some and I think the Rage and I can help Papa overcome his fears. I have some new surveillance cameras I have been itching to use and this might produce some video worthy of Snapchat! The Rage misses that poor dead dismembered bastard.


Good thing Quebec offered to take our mind off of our problems and create some for him. I was heading over to Papa’s for some more surveillance and as I was coming into the neighborhood, 25 mph streets with lots of kids and pets running around, Quebec was approaching from the opposite direction. As he drew closer, it was obvious he was going well over the speed limit. I activated my surveillance equipment and pulled over to the side of the street to observe. He narrowly missed hitting a young boy who came out of his yard to fetch his football, but that didn’t slow him down one bit. A block later, he came roaring up behind a young lady who was walking her dog on the sidewalk. The sound of the roaring engine startled the dog and it bolted into the street, right in front of Quebec. I didn’t even see the flicker of a brake light as he mowed down that little dog and kept on going until he made a right two blocks away. I turned around and went back to see if I could help, but the dog was dead and the young lady was beyond distraught. At times like this I don’t mind being a ruthless killer, this kind of dickery is what got the Rage and I into this project to begin with. When I am done with Quebec, Canada might want to consider renaming the province, it won’t be pretty. Good news is the Rage finally got his whip from Amazon and has been practicing. While not quite as proficient as he is with the bow, you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of the whip, I think he can carve his initials now.


Slithery night op.

Saturday March 3b

Nikki’s Townhouse

7:30 pm


Nikki spent the last 2 days trying to figure out what she was going to do with the rest of her life. Would she be able to go back to her job with the FBI after all that has happened? What about a future with Simon, is that even a possibility? She has more feelings for Simon than she has had for anyone in her life, but she is still new to these feelings and doesn’t know quite how to deal with them. That isn’t even taking into account that he is an admitted murderer. Even as she ponders this, she knows he is on his way to do what Simon does. Having been stalked herself and feeling the utter hopelessness and living in a constant state of fear, she wasn’t uncomfortable knowing that Simon was going to “take care of the situation” so to speak. Anyone who would do that to someone deserves what they get, preying on the fear of others. Little did this stalker know just how much he would be getting in return from Simon.


Nikki was staring into her webcam wishing it was Simon’s mysterious eyes she was staring into when Simon’s email notification went off:


“Hello sweet Butterfly, you look troubled. I am sorry I had to leave so suddenly, but I only have one other person in my life I care about and he needs me right now. I know you are trying to figure out what direction your life is going to go and I wish I was there for you, but maybe it’s better for you to decide without me there clouding your decision. I want you to do what makes you happy for once, not what you think you should do for others, especially me. Do what your heart tells you is right Nikki and I will support you in any way I can. I am going to be here for a few days to get this situation straightened out so please let me know how I can help. Regardless of what you decide, I love you.




Nikki smiled up at the webcam and touched her fingers to her lips and pointed at the camera. Leave it to Simon to make the decision that much harder for her.

Saturday March 3

11:45 pm


Hey, thanks for all your comments. It is good to have been missed. What I can tell you is that there is still a ridiculously high number of people who still don’t seem to have a full understanding of the rules. I haven’t been on the road in a couple of weeks and I was shocked. Maybe everyone was thinking out of sight out of mind, but the Rage is a mind reader so he knows who has been naughty and who has been nice. Actually, still looking for nice but we found lots of naughty out there and I know that is what you want to hear about so let’s get into it.


Papa is very naughty. We caught up with this stool sample and have been doing some stalking of our own. I think it’s only fair to let a bully, a chicken shit little pussy like Papa, have a taste of their own medicine. Obviously, Papa isn’t in a relationship currently so the Rage can make his return to the ring, so to speak. Dickless lives alone in a two story house outside of town. The lot is covered with trees so we can pretty much come and go unseen, which is good because we have some plans for Papa. Just so he knows the game is afoot, I located his parents and took a few snapshots of them. Thankfully they lived in the same town, I guess junior didn’t want to stray too far from mommy. He’s going to wish his mommy can save him when the Rage gets ahold of his sorry ass. For now, we photoshopped some interesting images into the photos and left them on his kitchen table, a trace of blood on the corner for effect. I didn’t have to do my normal vetting and surveillance since we know who he is and the dick gene is definitely present so I got right to it and opened a new email:


“Dear Papa,


You are engaging in a hostile action against a friend of mine and I am very protective of my friends. I will give you one chance and one chance only to cease and desist or I will become more involved and I am certain that you will not enjoy that in the least. Beside, what kind of pussy harasses a woman. Get a life or take the chance that you will painfully lose the one you have.




Let’s see if he is a reader or if the Rage gets to have a play date. Papa parks his car outside of his garage in the driveway so when we were leaving after dropping off the photos, I placed a tack strip under both his rear tires. He doesn’t have AAA….

Thursday March 1

FBI Headquarters

8:55 am


Nikki had just walked into Special Agent in Charge, Rob McShay’s office. After exchanging greetings, Nikki sat in one of the chairs facing Rob and slid a piece of paper across the desk to him. Rob picked up the paper and read it, all the while his brows creasing further and further toward the note in his hand. He looked up after finishing reading,


“You’re resigning?” He said with an incredulous tone. “What’s this all about Nikki?”


Even though the door was closed to the office, Nikki leaned forward and lowered her voice, “I am sure you saw that Simon’s blog is active again Rob?” “I did, but look Nikki….” she cut him off raising her hand,


“Let me finish before you say anything.” Rob leaned back in his chair and waived for her to continue. “I was the agent in charge of the Simon case and based on my word, we closed his case. It’s obvious now, or will be shortly, that we don’t have the true Simon in custody and I know the Bureau needs someone to take the fall for it. Besides, I’m not sure after interacting with Simon that I believe what I used to, that I can still do this job.” She finished speaking and looked up at Rob trying to gauge his reaction. He studied her for several long seconds before leaning forward and addressing her,


“Look Nikki, I know you have been to hell and back”, his eyes dropping to Nikki’s missing pinkie finger as she sat with her hands folded together on the desk in front of him. “Who says you didn’t identify the right Simon? We have a man in custody with evidence from 3 of Simon’s claimed victims. Regardless of what is said on some fictional blog, we have real evidence tying Bernard to several homicides. In exchange for him pleading guilty to all charges, including the Simon killings, he will be sentenced to life without parole instead of the death penalty. They are finalizing that deal as we speak so you see, you did identify the correct person as far as the Bureau is concerned. This case will never be heard in open court and Bernard doesn’t have anyone inclined to believe anything other than he is guilty of murder”


Nikki leaned back, taking in all that Rob said. “I just don’t know Rob, I’m not sure I can continue doing this, I feel like a hypocrite. I can’t say that what Simon is doing is wrong and how can I justify that with my position here? I know we took out 3 serial killers with Simon’s help. Well, Simon took them out without our help but I can’t see how I can continue to do my job. It’s not supposed to be up to individuals to decide what is right and wrong, that is what our justice system is supposed to be doing.” A small smile crept up the side of Rob’s face,


“Nikki, I know you have always had a black and white vision of what the world around you is supposed to be like, but, and don’t take this the wrong way, you have been living in a cocoon for as long as I can remember. The world isn’t black and white, it is one big ugly shade of gray and our job is to keep more white than black in the equation. I had a meeting with the Director this morning because he also saw Simon’s post. Do you know what he said to me?” Nikki was staring at Rob wide eyed and she slowly shook her head no so Rob continued, his smile a little brighter,


“His words, “I don’t give a fuck who what or where this Simon guy is, point him at some more of our cases that need to get closed and keep doing what you are doing. Agent Sebastian is doing a remarkable job after everything she has been through and you do what you have to do to make sure she stays on this case and keeps a line of communication open with him.” Rob let that settle for a few moments and then continued “I have been in this job for 21 years Nikki and that was only the 2nd time the Director has spoken with me.” He looked into Nikki’s eyes and let her take in all that he had just said.


Nikki felt like she was on the roller coaster and had just launched off the first hill heading straight down into the ground, “This is all so unbelievable. I don’t know what to think or what I am supposed to do?” She looked down in her lap for a few seconds and after taking a breath she returned her gaze to Rob’s, “It’s more than professional Rob, I have…I am…” Rob nodded his understanding and cut in,


“I know Nikki, I read his blog. I can’t imagine what all this has meant to you, but I am here for you and will do anything I can to protect you or help you in any way you need. You are still on vacation until Monday, take the rest of your time to figure out what you want and where you see your life going from here. I hope to see you in your office Monday morning, we have a lot of work to do.” He smiled and stood up, offering his hand to Nikki.


She wasn’t sure how she got there, but Nikki found herself in her car in the parking garage at the office. She looked into those ever changing eyes in her rear view mirror and realized she had no idea whatsoever who Monique Ruthanne Sebastian really was and more importantly, what she was going to do next. She began the drive home hoping the answers would come.

Wednesday February 28

10:45 AM

I met Papa today.


You didn’t really think Simon would go down like that did you? I told you long ago don’t fuck with Simon or anyone he cares about. I think Mr. Bernard and his buddy the Panty Snatcher got that memo, don’t you? Insolent little pricks, they got what they deserved. I am sure Phil is quite popular in jail, I hope he finds the true love he so fondly desires.


Speaking of true love, I gave it another shot. I did everything I could to avoid it, but in the end, it was just too powerful. I let myself feel something again. I had closed that part of myself off long ago and befriended the Rage who has been my only companion for so long. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Rage, quick wit, devastatingly handsome… I might be stretching on that last one. But someone came into my life as you all know and we finally got a chance to meet in person. I was worried about how the Rage would react, but he continues to surprise me. I always thought the Rage was born out of the tragedy surrounding my wife and unborn son’s deaths, but I realize now that he was there all the time. He was the passion, love, and protective instinct I had for my wife. When she was taken from us, all that energy had to go somewhere, do something and so the Rage was born. When we are with her, the Rage was back in his true form and his complete focus was on making her happy, it was awesome. That burning hole in my chest stopped hurting, pain was replaced with pleasure. Everything was going so well and then last night, my phone rang.


My buddy Kevin called me and to say he was upset would be putting it mildly. I told you he had a new lady friend awhile back. Well, the relationship continued to heat up and Kevin just proposed to her a couple of days ago and, as if there was a question, she accepted. Kevin is an awesome dude, I couldn’t be happier for him. And then he told me why he was calling me. Apparently, his lady friend has an ex that would make our volunteers look like boy scouts (and one girl scout, don’t forget the Golf fertilizer). This anal discharge started stalking Kevin’s lady. He is calling her and hanging up, leaving threatening notes on her car and at her house. The other day when she and Kevin were on their way to dinner, he started following them in his car, tailgating and flashing his lights. He eventually pulled around them and started brake checking them. Needless to say, they were beyond shook up. They reported it to the police and I am sure as long time readers you know just what those officers did. They took a report and said there wasn’t anything they can do unless a crime is committed. Apparently, they will be all over it once one or both of them are killed.


Not on our watch! Thankfully, Kevin and, let’s just call her Special K, are friends of ours. The Rage and I are on a road trip and for all of you who share those roads with us…. I hope you remember the rules!

Saturday February 10

11:55 am

FBI Headquarters

Nikki was on a secure video link with Rob McShay who was in the Savannah field office. They were reviewing the evidence found in the motorhome and it was substantial. Earlier in the day, they had found the body of the latest Philip Bernard claimed killing and matched blood and fiber from the victim to the suspect they have in custody as well as in the motorhome. Also found was a GoPro camera with footage of the suspect killing the victim with a chainsaw. They confirmed the body in the motorhome belonged to be the panty snatcher from prints and DNA at the location Nikki was held. They found a middle finger that they matched back to Simon’s Bravo victim, Gordon Peterson. They found prints and DNA from Simon’s Charlie victim, Jonathan Bishop. Lastly, the plate on the motorhome belonged to Simon’s India victim, Chester Lewis. By all accounts, they had the serial killer known as Simon in custody and have also closed the Panty Snatcher case. There was some speculation that Simon actually is Philip Bernard. Some say he started using his Bernard identity to increase viewership. The higher ups were ready to put a bow on this and get out in front of some positive media if Rob and Nikki were ready to sign off on this being Simon in custody. Rob looked at Nikki as he pulled a photo of Philip Bernard onto the screen so they were both looking at it,

“Agent Sebastian, all evidence we have ties the man we have in custody to the Simon killings. Is there any reason for you to think otherwise?”

“No sir, you?”

The corner of Rob’s mouth quirked up slightly and he gave a small wink.

“Well done agent Sebastian, we closed two substantial cases today. You are officially on vacation.” The link was cut and Nikki leaned back in her seat with a smile creeping up on her lips.

Friday February 9


CNN Live Coverage Savannah Georgia

Riverside Retreat Campground

“…We’re here outside the motorhome of what FBI confidential sources believes to be the renowned Road Rage blogger and suspected serial killer known as Simon. During an early morning raid, the FBI apprehended the suspect without incident. In the motorhome, the sources say they found a severely tortured body of who they believe to be the serial killer known as the Panty Snatcher. Simon had been blogging about what he was doing to the Panty Snatcher and our sources confirm the injuries largely match his descriptions. Additionally, we are being told that there is evidence to other murders as well. While no number was disclosed, the word several was used…”