Monday April 9

FBI Headquarters
2:10 pm

Nikki had spent most of the day down at the forensic garage while the technicians took apart the transport vehicle from the east coast hijacking. They were informed by the local office at the west coast site that there was a heavy rainstorm after the attack that washed away most of the physical evidence. It was determined that a small explosive device had been attached to both vehicles that immediately disabled them. Secondary devices were set on both front doors and once blown, all three occupants of both vehicles were shot multiple times. They recovered the bullets from both sites and were running ballistics, no shell casings were recovered at either site.

Nikki was hoping they could pull some useful evidence off of their vehicle. So far they had found several hairs that they will compare to the transport team samples to see if any don’t match as well as the prints in and on the vehicle. Several hours into the morning, a technician called her over and showed her a small black piece of material and a spec of what they later confirmed was blood. Both are being analyzed further in the lab but the hope is that one of the assailants was cut by the wreckage while they were removing the missiles.

At the same time, Simon was at the warehouse working through the satellite footage from both attack sites. It was immediately clear that these thefts were being orchestrated by someone either inside the government, at a very high level, or has access to that person. Initially, Simon found that there were no US satellites over either site….none. The only way that would be even remotely possible would be to either control the flight paths of the satellites in each area, or know exactly when there is a blind spot in the coverage.

Simon smiled to himself, they have access to all of the US satellites but Simon is not so restrained by this limitation as he and the Rage have spread their influence all over the globe. Eventually, he found what he was looking for on one of our “allies” spy satellite that just happened to be over the east coast site during the attack:

A black SUV pulled up behind the transport and there was an explosion under the engine compartment. The SUV came to an abrupt stop right in the middle of the road and in less than 3 seconds, 4 occupants of the SUV came out two to a side, and slapped an explosive on each front door. Both detonated 2 seconds later and they pulled each door open and shot the occupants. Moving to dead in less than 20 seconds… They quickly secured the missiles into their vehicle and headed north.

Simon continued watching the footage of the SUV leaving the scene and heading through the mountains in West Virginia. There was an older section of road that they took which took them through the mountain and out the other side continuing toward Pennsylvania. Immediately, this caught Simon’s eye. The vehicle was out of site for a period of time. He watched the footage a second time and felt a tingle at the base of his neck. He hit several keys on his laptop and ran the footage again. Based on the speed of the SUV, the distance through the mountain, and the time from the footage, Simon found a 32 second delay passing through the mountain…time to offload someone and or something? The SUV continued on eventually ending up in a parking garage in the middle of Philadelphia and has not moved since. Simon figured they would have planned out the vehicle exchange and didn’t expect they would find any clues there but he was intrigued about the trip through the mountain in West Virginia. It was a nice day for a drive. He emailed Nikki the coordinates of the Philly drop site and told her where he was heading.

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