Sunday January 21

8:15 am

Nikki’s Townhouse

Nikki had just put her earbuds in and cranked up her running playlist on her IPod and was heading out the front door for a run when she saw a box on her doorstep. She immediately looked around and there wasn’t anyone around. She had not ordered anything so her stomach was already in her shoes. She went back inside and grabbed her phone and some latex gloves out of her purse. She photo’d the package and after donning gloves, took it inside and set it on her table. With hands slightly shaking, she took her box cutter and carefully cut the package open. Inside was a pair of panties and Nikki could see blood. She used the tip of the boxcutter to move the panties around and in the bottom, she found what she prayed she wouldn’t. There was a severed finger laying on top of an old polaroid of Nikki and her cocker spaniel that was taken during her sophomore year of college. The dog had a red x drawn over it and the caption said

“It’s almost time agent Sebastian”.

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